
dismantlement معنى

dismantlement أمثلة على
  • التفكيك


  1. I voted for dismantlement because I wanted to make sure we were prepared for the hurricane, not because I thought your reading of the Stafford Act was illegal per se.
    صوتت لتفكيكه لأني أردت التأكد من استعدادنا للإعصار وليس لأني ظننت أن تفسيرك لقانون (ستانفورد) كان غير قانونياً

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery); "Russia and the United States discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons"
    مرادفات dismantling, disassembly

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. dismally معنى
  2. dismalness معنى
  3. dismanitsa معنى
  4. dismantle معنى
  5. dismantled معنى
  6. dismantlements معنى
  7. dismantles معنى
  8. dismantling معنى
  9. dismantling of nuclear installations معنى
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