
duplicate معنى

[ 'dju:plikeit ] يبدو
duplicate أمثلة على
  • adj.
  • n.
    نسخة طبق الأصل, صنو
  • v.
  • يُضَاعِف


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. That's a duplicate key to the jewel box.
    يبدو لي أمر مقنع و لكن ماذا عن العقد ؟
  2. It was staged. Somebody made a duplicate of my vault.
    انه مسرح لقد صنع شخص نسخه مطابقه للقبو
  3. Okay. Is there any way to duplicate that feeling? Some memory or...
    أليس هناك طريقة لتظهري هذه الإنفعالات
  4. I keep an exact duplicate fridge in my house.
    طابت ليلتكِ يا (روز ) -أتعرف كيف أفعل ذلك؟
  5. So I'm trying to duplicate it before Ducky's Thanksgiving dinner.
    إذا أحاول تقليدها قبل عشاء (داكي) لعيد الشكر

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. being two identical
    مرادفات matching, twin, twinned
  2. identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key"
  1. increase twofold; "The population doubled within 50 years"
    مرادفات double
  2. make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"
    مرادفات reduplicate, double, repeat, replicate
  3. make a duplicate or duplicates of; "Could you please duplicate this letter for me?"
  4. duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"
    مرادفات twin, parallel
  1. a copy that corresponds to an original exactly; "he made a duplicate for the files"
    مرادفات duplication
  2. something additional of the same kind; "he always carried extras in case of an emergency"
    مرادفات extra

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. duplex printing معنى
  2. duplex strainers معنى
  3. duplex uterus معنى
  4. duplexer معنى
  5. duplicable معنى
  6. duplicate (1998 film) معنى
  7. duplicate bug معنى
  8. duplicate code معنى
  9. duplicate content معنى
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