
established معنى

[ is'tæbliʃt ] يبدو
established أمثلة على
  • adj.
    مؤكد, معترف به قانونيا, مؤسس, مؤلف, مقرر


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Stu, legally, Bruner never established a conservatorship of Raymond?
    ستو .. قانونياً برونر لم يسجل أي وصاية لرايموند؟
  2. You had established trust, with the embarrassing truth about Miggs.
    قمت بكسب ثقتى بعد السؤال الحرج عن ميجز
  3. Commentator] The medfly is already established in Los Angeles.
    ذبابة البحر المتوسط قد استوطنت بالفعل (لوس أنجلوس )
  4. Yeah, well, we've kind of established that. What else?
    نعم , لقد فهمنا هذا , ماذا ايضاً ؟
  5. Now that we've established you're middle-aged, take some advice.
    والآن بعد التأكيد بأنك متوسط العمر خذ بعض النصائح

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established; "the established social order"; "distrust the constituted authority"; "a team established as a member of a major league"; "enjoyed his prestige as an established writer"; "an established precedent"; "the established Church"
    مرادفات constituted
  1. introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation
    مرادفات naturalized
  2. conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"
    مرادفات conventional
  3. shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt; "the established facts in the case"
  4. settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact"
    مرادفات accomplished, effected

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. est معنى
  2. est region (burkina faso) معنى
  3. est-ce que tu m'aimes? معنى
  4. establish معنى
  5. establish oneself معنى
  6. established concept معنى
  7. established concepts معنى
  8. established mission معنى
  9. established missions unit معنى
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