
extensive معنى

[ iks'tensiv ] يبدو
extensive أمثلة على
  • adj.
    شامل, واسع, ممتد
  • شَامِل


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. One daughter, the heiress of Rosings and very extensive property.
    ابنة واحدة، وريثة (روزينجز) و أملاك كثيرة جداً
  2. As you can see, victim suffered extensive facial trauma.
    كما ترون فقد عانت الضحية من صدمة وجهية شاملة
  3. I'm feeling some fairly extensive damage from coronary artery disease.
    أشعر بوجود بعض الضرر من مرض الشريان التاجي
  4. As you discovered, we have an extensive knowledge of Ancient technology.
    أدركتم أنّ لدينا معرفة واسعة بتقنيّة ((القدماء))
  5. In return for my extensive knowledge of the arms market,I want protection.
    وفقاً لمعرفتي بسوق الأسلحة، أريد الحماية...

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"
  1. broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers"
    مرادفات across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, panoptic, wide
  2. large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage"
    مرادفات extended

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. extensional continental margin معنى
  2. extensional fault معنى
  3. extensional tectonics معنى
  4. extensionally معنى
  5. extensions معنى
  6. extensive farming معنى
  7. extensive husbandry معنى
  8. extensive production معنى
  9. extensive reading معنى
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