
fiddle معنى

[ 'fidl ] يبدو
fiddle أمثلة على
  • n.
  • v.
    خدع, عزف, حرك أصابعه بقلق, أضاع الوقت


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You'll break that if you keep fiddling with it.
    يُمكنكِ فتح هذا الظرف، إن كنتِ تقدرين التلاعب بهِ.
  2. Just fiddle around with the dials there. We'll be nearby.
    تعرف على أدوات التحكم هنا نحن سنكون قريبين
  3. He's currently in the car fiddling around with his seat warmer.
    إنه حالياً في السيارة يلهو بمدفئ المقعد.
  4. No, he'd rather fiddle about with cylinders and springs.
    لا ، يفضل الجلوس مع بعض الإسطوانات والحديد الملتوي.
  5. A fiddle of gold against your soul says I'm better than you-ou.
    أراهن مقابل روحك بأننّي أفضل منك

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family; this instrument has four strings and a hollow body and an unfretted fingerboard and is played with a bow
    مرادفات violin
  1. try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it''s not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
    مرادفات tinker
  2. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"
    مرادفات tamper, monkey
  3. manipulate manually or in one''s mind or imagination; "She played nervously with her wedding ring"; "Don''t fiddle with the screws"; "He played with the idea of running for the Senate"
    مرادفات toy, diddle, play
  4. play on a violin; "Zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely"
  5. play the violin or fiddle
  6. commit fraud and steal from one''s employer; "We found out that she had been fiddling for years"
  7. avoid (one''s assigned duties); "The derelict soldier shirked his duties"
    مرادفات shirk, shrink from, goldbrick

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. fidalgo معنى
  2. fidan aliti معنى
  3. fidan gasimova معنى
  4. fidar معنى
  5. fidaxomicin معنى
  6. fiddle city معنى
  7. fiddle faddle معنى
  8. fiddled معنى
  9. fiddler معنى
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