
finished معنى

[ 'finiʃt ] يبدو
  • adj.
    منجز, مكمل, منتهي, متمم, كامل

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"
  2. (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state; "a finished product"
  1. brought to ruin; "after the revolution the aristocracy was finished"; "the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically"
    مرادفات ruined
  2. having a surface coating or finish applied; "the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones"
  3. (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected; "a dazzling and finished piece of writing"; "a finished violinist"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. finis l. bates معنى
  2. finis mclean معنى
  3. finis mitchell معنى
  4. finish معنى
  5. finish off معنى
  6. finished goods معنى
  7. finisher معنى
  8. finishes معنى
  9. finishing معنى
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