
handicap معنى

[ 'hændikæp ] يبدو
handicap أمثلة على
  • n.
    إعاقة, بشكل عائق, سباق العدل التكافؤ, عائق, عاهة جسدية
  • v.
    شكل عائقا, عاق, أضر
  • تَعَوُّق ; إعاقَة


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I'm glad I book horses. Who can handicap women?
    انا سعيد اننى حجزت جياد من الذي يسابق النساء؟
  2. Yes, sir. An old member has dropped by, sir. Same handicap as yours.
    جاء عضو قديم يتسابق مثلك
  3. I've got a good story about handicapped children.
    لقد حصلت على قصة جيدة حول الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.
  4. They had to hire the handicapped to get this Defense contract.
    لتوظيف المعاقين للحُصُول على هذا عقدِ الدفاعِ
  5. But I want to do community service, to teach a handicapped to yodel.
    ولكني أريد أن أخدم المجتمع

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. advantage given to a competitor to equalize chances of winning
  2. something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
    مرادفات hindrance, hinderance, deterrent, impediment, balk, baulk, check
  3. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"
    مرادفات disability, disablement, impairment
  1. injure permanently; "He was disabled in a car accident"
    مرادفات disable, invalid, incapacitate
  2. put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"
    مرادفات hinder, hamper
  3. attempt to forecast the winner (especially in a horse race) and assign odds for or against a contestant

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. handheld pc معنى
  2. handheld searchlight معنى
  3. handheld streamlight معنى
  4. handheld video games معنى
  5. handhold معنى
  6. handicap (chess) معنى
  7. handicap international معنى
  8. handicap principle معنى
  9. handicapped معنى
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