
inequitably معنى

inequitably أمثلة على
  • بظلم


  1. The economic resources were so inequitably distributed that the poor simply didn't have enough money with which to buy the food that would've been available if they could have afforded to pay for it.
    الموارد الأقتصادية كانت موزعة بشكل غير متساوي حتى ان الفقراء لم يملكوا المال الكافي لشراء الطعام الذي كان من الممكن أن يكون

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. inequality in disease معنى
  2. inequality within immigrant families in the united states معنى
  3. inequation معنى
  4. inequilateral معنى
  5. inequitable معنى
  6. inequities معنى
  7. inequity معنى
  8. ineradicable معنى
  9. inermia vittata معنى
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