
motherly معنى

motherly أمثلة على
  • adj.
    أمومي, رؤوم, حنون, عطوف


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. What would you recommend more for like a nurturing, pampering, motherly energy?
    ماذا تقترحى يكون أكثر ثباتاً ونشاطاً؟
  2. She rescues her baby and gives it some proper motherly care.
    تنقذ رضيعها وتمدّه ببعض العناية الأموية السليمة
  3. Thought you wanted to give him one of your motherly lectures.
    إنه يتصرف مثل الأحمق. - نيد.
  4. Besides my motherly duties. I continued with my profession as a lawyer.
    بجانب واجبات أمى إستمريت فى مهنتى كمحاميه
  5. Miss Helen, are you giving me motherly counsel?
    آنسة " هيلين " هل تعطيني نصيحة أمومة ؟

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. in a maternal manner; as a mother; "she loved her students almost maternally"
    مرادفات maternally, maternally
  2. in a maternal manner; as a mother; "she loved her students almost maternally"
    مرادفات maternally, maternally
  1. befitting a mother; warm and nurturing

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. motherland party (turkey) politicians معنى
  2. motherless معنى
  3. motherless brooklyn (film) معنى
  4. motherlike معنى
  5. motherliness معنى
  6. mothern, bas-rhin معنى
  7. mothers معنى
  8. mothers of srebrenica معنى
  9. mothers of the ottoman sultans معنى
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