
motley معنى

[ 'mɔtli ] يبدو
motley أمثلة على
  • adj.
    متنوع, متعدد الألوان, متنافر الألوان, مؤلف من عناصر مختلفة
  • n.
    نسيج متعدد الألوان


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. It's chore enough trying to keep this motley crew together.
    صباح الخير يا فاربر ،جاكسون ،ميلى و..
  2. We're no longer the motley crew of scattered tribes from your day.
    لم نعُد تلك القبائل المُتفرقة منذ أيامك.
  3. Look at what this motley crew have done to our little girl.
    انظري ما فعلته هذه الجماعة المجنونة بطفلتنا.
  4. Carla, look at you. Teaming up with the motley insurgents.
    (كارلا)، إنظري لحالكِ تتعاونين مع المتمردين
  5. We could save some coin and embrace that motley spirit.
    يمكننا ان نوفر بعض المال وان نتبنى تلك الروح المتنوعة

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
    مرادفات calico, multicolor, multi-color, multicolour, multi-colour, multicolored, multi-colored, multicoloured, multi-coloured, painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, pied, varicolored, varicoloured
  2. consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds; "an arrangement of assorted spring flowers"; "assorted sizes"; "miscellaneous accessories"; "a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music"; "a motley crew"; "sundry sciences commonly known as social"- I.A.Richards
    مرادفات assorted, miscellaneous, mixed, sundry
  1. make motley; color with different colors
    مرادفات parti-color
  2. make something more diverse and varied; "Vary the menu"
    مرادفات vary, variegate
  1. a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England
  2. a garment made of motley (especially a court jester''s costume)
  3. a collection containing a variety of sorts of things; "a great assortment of cars was on display"; "he had a variety of disorders"; "a veritable smorgasbord of religions"
    مرادفات assortment, mixture, mixed bag, miscellany, miscellanea, variety, salmagundi, smorgasbord, potpourri

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. motiving معنى
  2. motla kuh معنى
  3. motlakase power dynamos players معنى
  4. motlatsi maseela معنى
  5. motleb bin abdullah al-nafisah معنى
  6. motley county معنى
  7. motley county, texas معنى
  8. motley, minnesota معنى
  9. motmot معنى
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