
non-permissible معنى

non-permissible أمثلة على
  • غير جائز


  1. How he dealt with his secret enemy which is in the sexual parts, that is seen from the circumstance, that when he observed celibacy at fasting or religious celebrations, he often took a secret bath in a cold tub of water - even in wintertime - thus expelling non-permissible body heat with the cold."
    حتى في الشتاء - وبالتالي يطرد حرارة الجسم الغير مسموح بها بالماء البارد".

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. non-pensionable allowance معنى
  2. non-performing loan معنى
  3. non-permanent معنى
  4. non-permanent membership معنى
  5. non-permanent seat معنى
  6. non-pesticide management معنى
  7. non-photochemical quenching معنى
  8. non-player character معنى
  9. non-pneumatic anti-shock garment معنى
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