
occasionally معنى

[ ə'keiʒənəli ] يبدو
occasionally أمثلة على
  • adv.
    أحيانا, بين حين وآخر, بين الفينة و الفينة, من أن لآخر


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. This way you'll occasionally think of me when eating an apple.
    بهذه الطريقة لتفكري بي عندما تأكلي تفاحة
  2. occasionally on Queens Rd. central and Nathan Rd.
    أحب مكان ما ، حيث يمكنني ترك الشرطة في الغبار
  3. Yeah, like my ex-wife occasionally went out with other men.
    كما تخرج زوجتي برفقة رجل آخر أحيانا أيضا
  4. Grunts ] Always a bridesmaid, only occasionally a bride.
    دائماً ما نكون أشبينات، وأحياناً فقط نكون عروسات (ليسا)!
  5. The wind will occasionally bring snow to quench the males' thirst.
    الرياح تحمل أحياناً ثلجاً يطفىء عطش الذكور.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
    مرادفات on occasion, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at times, from time to time, on occasion, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at times, from time to time
  2. now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
    مرادفات on occasion, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at times, from time to time, on occasion, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at times, from time to time

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. occasional papers معنى
  2. occasional recuperation break معنى
  3. occasional use معنى
  4. occasional user معنى
  5. occasionalism معنى
  6. occasioned معنى
  7. occasioning معنى
  8. occasions معنى
  9. occella kasawai معنى
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