
oppose معنى

[ ə'pəuz ] يبدو
oppose أمثلة على
  • v.
    عارض, قاوم, عادى, ضاد, اعترض, إصتدم ب


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You must have hurt his prestige and compelled him to oppose us.
    وما هو دليلك على تمرده وخيانته
  2. But I need to know, Said, will you oppose me?
    لكِن عليَّ أن أعرِف يا سعيد هَل ستُعارِضُني؟
  3. I oppose divorce on principle, entirely and utterly.
    أنا ضد الطلاق, هذا مبدأي كلياً و هذا غير كافي
  4. My father is ill and weak, and unwilling to oppose the Americans.
    أبوى مريض وما يبغى يحارب الأمريكان
  5. I spoke to my father. He doesn't oppose our love.
    أنا تكلمت مع والدي ولم يعترض علي حبنا

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. be against; express opposition to; "We oppose the ban on abortion"
  2. be resistant to; "The board opposed his motion"
    مرادفات controvert, contradict
  3. set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other"
    مرادفات pit, match, play off
  4. fight against or resist strongly; "The senator said he would oppose the bill"; "Don''t fight it!"
    مرادفات fight, fight back, fight down, defend
  5. act against or in opposition to; "She reacts negatively to everything I say"
    مرادفات react
  6. contrast with equal weight or force
    مرادفات counterbalance

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. opportunity finance معنى
  2. opportunity purchase معنى
  3. opportunity trap معنى
  4. opposability معنى
  5. opposable معنى
  6. oppose each other معنى
  7. oppose to معنى
  8. opposed معنى
  9. opposer معنى
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