
overnight معنى

[ 'əuvə'nait ] يبدو
overnight أمثلة على
  • adj.
  • adv.
    فجأة, حتى صباح اليوم التالي, أثناء الليلة الفائتة


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. But she's stayed in the village overnight without permission before.
    لكنها بقيت فى القرية بدون إذن قبل ذلك
  2. "Spirits are high, and overnight I've gone from a person of suspicion...
    و تحولت من شخص مثير للشبهات
  3. We'd like to keep him overnight though, just to be sure.
    نود أن نبقيه هذه الليلة, فقط للتأكد
  4. The DC-3 has 21 daytime seats and 14 overnight berths. - Something bigger?
    Dc-3 مِنْ الـ29 لكن أقوياءَ
  5. Overnight he became the owner and chief patron of 'Nick of Time'.
    وأصبح المالك والراعي الرئيسي لنيك الوقت

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. during or for the length of one night; "the fish marinates overnight"
  2. happening in a short time or with great speed; "these solutions cannot be found overnight!"
  3. during or for the length of one night; "the fish marinates overnight"
  4. happening in a short time or with great speed; "these solutions cannot be found overnight!"
  1. lasting, open, or operating through the whole night; "a nightlong vigil"; "an all-night drugstore"; "an overnight trip"
    مرادفات nightlong, all-night

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. overmodest معنى
  2. overmodulation معنى
  3. overmountain men معنى
  4. overmuch معنى
  5. overnice معنى
  6. overnight investment معنى
  7. overnighter معنى
  8. overnighters معنى
  9. overnights معنى
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