
perturbation معنى

[ ˌpə:tə:'beiʃən ] يبدو
perturbation أمثلة على
  • n.
    إقلاق, قلق, تشويش, اضطراب, إضرابات, تشوش


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. That could be the angle of perturbation of a distant galaxy.
    أو قد تكون زاوية إضطراب في مجرة بعيدة.
  2. Well, the city defines liability as any asserted or non-asserted perturbation by any qualifying party.
    أرى ...هل هناك سيد "متشدد" أم
  3. It also generalizes well to problems incorporating perturbation theory.
    كما أنه يعمم بشكل جيد للمشكلات التي تساهم في نظرية الاختلال.
  4. Well, the city defines liability as any asserted or non-asserted perturbation by any qualifying party.
    البلدية تعرف ذلك بأي تقرير شامل من طرف مؤهل
  5. Deviations from periodicity are treated by quantum mechanical perturbation theory.
    والانحرافات من التواتر يمكن معاملتها عن طريق نظرية الاضطراب الكمية الميكانيكية.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of causing disorder
    مرادفات disruption
  2. a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset
    مرادفات fluster
  3. activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress'' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function"
    مرادفات disturbance
  4. (physics) a secondary influence on a system that causes it to deviate slightly
  5. an unhappy and worried mental state; "there was too much anger and disturbance"; "she didn''t realize the upset she caused me"
    مرادفات disturbance, upset

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. pertti nieminen معنى
  2. pertti purhonen معنى
  3. pertubation معنى
  4. perturb معنى
  5. perturbate معنى
  6. perturbation (astronomy) معنى
  7. perturbation theory معنى
  8. perturbation theory (quantum mechanics) معنى
  9. perturbations معنى
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