
plane معنى

[ plein ] يبدو
plane أمثلة على
  • adj.
    منبسط, مستو, مسطح
  • n.
    مستوى, سطح مستو, طائرة, مسحجة, الدلب شجرة
  • v.
    مهد, سحج بفأرة النجار, طار, حلق, حام, سافر بالطائرة
  • مُسْتَوَى


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You be at my place a half-hour before the plane leaves.
    وكن بملهاي قبل رحيل الطائرة بنصف ساعة.
  2. You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
    أن تركبي تلك الطائرة معه، حيث هو مكانك.
  3. The plane was on a scheduled flight between Calcutta and Paris.
    وحتى الآن لاتوجد تقارير عن وجود ناجين
  4. I'm sorry. Our plane was attacked an hour out of Crete.
    انا اسف طائرتنا قد هوجمت قبل ساعه
  5. 35mm with a 2.8 lens and a plane shutter.
    تكون 35 مليمتر , 2.8 إف ذات عدسة مستوية

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"
    مرادفات flat, level
  1. cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
    مرادفات shave
  2. make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter''s plane; "plane the top of the door"
  3. travel on the surface of water
    مرادفات skim
  1. an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"
    مرادفات airplane, aeroplane
  2. a carpenter''s hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood; "the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work"
    مرادفات carpenter''s plane, woodworking plane
  3. a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
    مرادفات planer, planing machine
  4. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"
    مرادفات sheet
  5. a level of existence or development; "he lived on a worldly plane"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. planctomyces معنى
  2. plandemic معنى
  3. plandome heights, new york معنى
  4. plandome manor, new york معنى
  5. plandome, new york معنى
  6. plane (geometry) معنى
  7. plane (tool) معنى
  8. plane angle معنى
  9. plane coordinates معنى
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