
rejection معنى

[ ri'dʒekʃən ] يبدو
rejection أمثلة على
  • n.
    رفض, نبذ, شىء مرفوض, شىء منبوذ, الرفض
  • رَفْض


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. If you had rejected me I would have been on the street.
    لو كنت رفضتني لكن في الشارع
  2. Marty, one rejection isn't the end of the world.
    مارتى إنه مجرد رفض واحد و ليس نهاية العالم.
  3. Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections!
    لأننى لم أرفضه بالرغم من كل نقائصه
  4. Look, I'm sorry. I don't handle rejection well.
    .. إسمعي ، أنا آسف أنا لا أتحمّل الرفض جيداً
  5. Not rejected by another guy ! Say it !
    و غير مرفوضة من شخص آخر قل ذلك !

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"
  2. the speech act of rejecting
  3. (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"
  4. the state of being rejected

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. rejected معنى
  2. rejected ballot معنى
  3. rejecter معنى
  4. rejecting معنى
  5. rejectingly معنى
  6. rejection of evolution by religious groups معنى
  7. rejection of jesus معنى
  8. rejectionist front معنى
  9. rejectionist states معنى
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