
romantically معنى

romantically أمثلة على
  • عاطفيا


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Kayla is romantically involved with my former head of security.
    (كايلا) على علاقة عاطفية مع رئيس أمني السابق
  2. Were you ever romantically involved with Lieutenant James Monroe?
    هل كنت على علاقة عاطفية بالملازم (جيمس مونرو) ؟
  3. But she's clearly romantically involved with Carter, as well.
    ولكن من الواضح انها بعلاقة عاطفية مع كارتر، كذلك
  4. you romantically wanting to believe that is never gonna make it true.
    محاولتك لتصديق ذلك برومانسيتك لا يجعله حقيقياً
  5. It'll be the most romantically delightful night of your life.
    سوف تكون أمتع ليلة رومانسيّة في حياتك

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. in a romantic manner; "they were romantically linked"
  2. in a romantic manner; "she fantasized romantically about eloping with her boyfriend"
  3. in a romantic manner; "they were romantically linked"
  4. in a romantic manner; "she fantasized romantically about eloping with her boyfriend"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. romantic road معنى
  2. romantic thriller films معنى
  3. romantic thriller films by country معنى
  4. romantic thriller films by decade معنى
  5. romanticisation معنى
  6. romanticism معنى
  7. romanticism and the french revolution معنى
  8. romanticism in evolution theory معنى
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