
sacrifice معنى

[ 'sækrifais ] يبدو
sacrifice أمثلة على
  • n.
    تضحية, ضحية, أضحية, قربان, ذبيحة, فدى, خسارة
  • v.
    ضحى, باع بخسارة, قرب بأضحية
  • يُضَحِّي (يقتل الحيوان في التجارب)


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I will not sacrifice it for anyone on earth.
    لن أضحى بها من أجل اى أنسان على الأرض
  2. No sacrifice is too big for the glory of our people.
    لا توجد تضحية كبيرة جداً لمجد شعبنا.
  3. You invoked a false idol, and promise this sacrifice to him.
    تضرعت لإله زائف ونذرك هذا تضحية له
  4. But you'd be hated by the public for sacrificing a child!
    و لكن الناس سيكرهونك لتضحيتك بحياة طفل
  5. Grimes... your train will be a small sacrifice to our cause.
    (قرايمز) قطارك سوف يكون تضحية صغيرة لقضيتنا

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. (baseball) an out that advances the base runners
  2. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
    مرادفات forfeit, forfeiture
  3. the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
    مرادفات ritual killing
  4. personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective)
  5. a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value; "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"
  1. kill or destroy; "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
  2. make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals
  3. endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"
    مرادفات give
  4. sell at a loss

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. sacred trees and groves in germanic paganism and mythology معنى
  2. sacred trees in hinduism معنى
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  4. sacredly معنى
  5. sacredness معنى
  6. sacrifice (2016 film) معنى
  7. sacrifice (chess) معنى
  8. sacrifice (elton john song) معنى
  9. sacrifice victim معنى
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