
stacked معنى

  • مكدس
  • مكدّس

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. arranged in a stack
  1. (of a woman''s body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves; "Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes"; "a curvy young woman in a tight dress"
    مرادفات bosomy, busty, buxom, curvaceous, curvy, full-bosomed, sonsie, sonsy, voluptuous, well-endowed

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. stack segment معنى
  2. stack solids معنى
  3. stack survey معنى
  4. stack up معنى
  5. stackable معنى
  6. stacked fraction معنى
  7. stacked profile معنى
  8. stacked trace معنى
  9. stacker معنى
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