
uninfluenced معنى

  • adj.
    غير متأثر ب

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. not influenced or affected; "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington; "unswayed by personal considerations"
    مرادفات unswayed, untouched

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. uninett معنى
  2. uninfected معنى
  3. uninfectious معنى
  4. uninfested معنى
  5. uninflected word معنى
  6. uninformative معنى
  7. uninformatively معنى
  8. uninformed معنى
  9. uninformedly معنى
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