
untimely معنى

untimely أمثلة على
  • adj.
    غير ملائم, في غير محله
  • adv.
    قبل الأوان, في غير أوانه


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. And the untimely taking of any of us touches all of us.
    .... وال ما يأخذ قبل الآوان
  2. I believe you had a hand in his untimely demise.
    اعتقد انه كان لديك يد في وفاته المفاجئة
  3. He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death.
    تمت ترقيته إلى فارس مباشرة بعد وفاة سيده
  4. Dr. Christiansen's untimely passing has brought added strain to the Knickerbocker.
    وفاة الدكتور (كريستيانسن) المفاجئة أضافت مشكلاً للمستشفى
  5. Mr. Kaplan's untimely shooting has acquired the authority of the printed word.
    قتل السيد "كابلن" قبل الأوان حل المشكلة

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. too soon; in a premature manner; "I spoke prematurely"
    مرادفات prematurely, prematurely
  2. too soon; in a premature manner; "I spoke prematurely"
    مرادفات prematurely, prematurely
  1. uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an untimely end"
    مرادفات premature
  2. badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was the wrong moment for a joke"
    مرادفات ill-timed, unseasonable, wrong

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. until hell freezes over معنى
  2. until the end of time (film) معنى
  3. untill معنى
  4. untilled معنى
  5. untimeliness معنى
  6. untinged معنى
  7. untirable معنى
  8. untiring معنى
  9. untiringly معنى
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