
walk-through معنى

walk-through أمثلة على
  • التدقيق الشامل للمعاملات المالية


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Let's go do a walk-through before the crowd gets here.
    لـنقم بالبروفة قبل أن تأتي الحشود هنا
  2. The contractor wants to do a walk-through on-- on Tuesday next week.
    المتعهد يريد رؤية المكان يوم الثلاثاء الأسبوع المقبل
  3. A copy of the murder book and a video walk-through of the scene.
    نسخة من ملف الجريمة وشريط التسلل لمسرح الجريمة
  4. Okay, I think we should just do one more walk-through upstairs.
    حسن، أعتقد بأنه يجدر بنا القيام بجولة أخيرة في الأعلى
  5. I had a last-minute walk-through at one of my properties.
    لقد قضيت معظم الوقت بممتلكاتي

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. the act of walking in order to view something; "the realtor took her on a walk-through of the apartment"
  2. a first perfunctory rehearsal of a theatrical production in which actors read their lines from the script and move as directed
  3. a pedestrian passageway through the ground floor of a building
  4. a thorough explanation (usually accompanied by a demonstration) of each step in a procedure or process; "she gave me a walk-through of my new duties"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. walk with a cane معنى
  2. walk with a wobble معنى
  3. walk your talk معنى
  4. walk-away clause معنى
  5. walk-in refrigeration unit معنى
  6. walk-through metal detector معنى
  7. walkability معنى
  8. walkabout (lost) معنى
  9. walkaway معنى
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