
wordlessly معنى

  • بدون كلام

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. without speaking; "he sat mutely next to her"
    مرادفات mutely, silently, taciturnly, mutely, silently, taciturnly
  2. without speaking; "he sat mutely next to her"
    مرادفات mutely, silently, taciturnly, mutely, silently, taciturnly

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. wordiness معنى
  2. wording معنى
  3. wordings معنى
  4. wordless معنى
  5. wordless novel معنى
  6. wordlessness معنى
  7. wordnet معنى
  8. wordperfect معنى
  9. wordplay معنى
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