وَظِيفَة بالانجليزي
- berth
- billet
- business
- employ
- employment
- function
- job
- line
- line of work
- occupation
- office
- place
- position
- post
- profession
- purpose
- role
- situation
- spot
- use
- work
- مُدَّة وَظِيفَة incumbency; tenure ...
- وَكَالَة تَوْظِيف employment agency
- كَلِمَة وَظِيفِيَّة closed-class word; ...
- By the time we're done, three of every seven guys who were standing between you and your boss' job are gone.
عِندما ننتهيّ... ثَلاثة مِنْ كُلِّ سَبعة، مِمَن كانوا يَقِفوا بَينِكُم و بَين وَظِيفَةِ رؤسِائكُم...