
dme أمثلة على


  1. you'll write this new series called metropolis after hours.
    أنت ستكتب هذه السلسلة الجديدة Calledmetropolis بعد ساعات.
  2. I need you to need me I'd love you to love me
    Ineedyou toneedme أنا wouldloveyou toloveme
  3. You try to match wits You try to hold me but I bust through
    أنت ذكاء trytomatch أنت trytoholdmebutIbust خلال
  4. Stay out of it. Stay out of it.
    دعنا نَذْهبُ مَع birdmen.
  5. you haven't even called me back.
    أنت ليس لك مستوي Calledmeback.
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