
hemophage أمثلة على


  1. As you know our campaign against the Hemophages has been highly effective.
    كما تعرف... ... حملتناضدّ Hemophages... ... كَانَفعّالَجداً.
  2. The Hemophages are a dying species on the verge of nonexistence.
    Hemophages a يَمُوتُ نوعاً على حافة غيرِ وجودِ.
  3. The Hemophages will do anything in their power to stop and immobilize it.
    Hemophages يَعمَلُ أيّ شئَ في قوَّتهم لتَوَقُّف وشَلّه.
  4. There's a war going on to the death between humans and Hemophages.
    هناك a حرب تَستمرُّ إلى الموتِ... ... بينالبشرِ وHemophages.
  5. How did a Hemophage get past the screens?
    هكذا عَمِلَ a Hemophage إجتزْ الشاشاتَ؟
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