
quarters أمثلة على


  1. Well, I'll grab the forelegs, and you push his hindquarters.
    حَسناً، أنا سَأَمْسكُ الأرجل الأماميةَ، وأنت تَدْفعُ hindquartersه.
  2. First, I'll slice its hind quarters into sections.
    First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections. أولاً، سأقطّع مؤخرته إلى شرائح صغيرة.
  3. 200 cases, three quarters of which would die.
    200 cases, three quarters من الذي سيموت
  4. Mr. Jacobs' wristwatch is nine minutes slow and his fly is three-quarters down.
    ساعة يد السيد جايكوبز متاخرة بتسع دقائق and his fly is three-quarters down.
  5. Take him to the servant quarters, and do not breathe a word of this to anyone.
    Take him to the servant quarters, ولا تتنفس كلمة هذا لأحد,
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