45-caliber handgun dubbed the "Black Hand." سلاح عيار 45، يطلق عليه "اليد السوداء".
Sinestro tells Simon that he was killed by Black Hand. سينسترو يخبر سيمون بأنه قُتل بواسطة اليد السوداء.
Sinestro tells Simon that he was killed by Black Hand. سينسترو يخبر سيمون بأنه قُتل بواسطة اليد السوداء.
He calls his movement "The Black Hand." انه يسمى حركاته "اليد السوداء"
He calls his movement "The Black Hand." انه يسمى حركاته "اليد السوداء"
He calls his movement "The Black Hand." انه يسمى حركاته "اليد السوداء"
He calls his movement "The Black Hand." انه يسمى حركاته "اليد السوداء"
Luckily for them, their plans reached the ears of Dimitrijevic and the Black Hand. لحسن حظهم ، سمع (ديمتريجفيتش) ومنظمة (اليد السوداء) بخططهم تلك .
That's Fanucci...the Black Hand. هذا هو فانوشى اليد السوداء
Princip was a member of a Serbian militant group called the Crna Ruka (Serbian for "Black Hand"). وكان برينسيب عضوا في جماعة صربية مسلحة تدعى "اليد السوداء".