All you have to do is- You just knee him if he does that. That shouldn't happen all the time. لا, لا يجب أن تفعلى هذا فقط جثى على ركبتك عندما يفعل هذا
I told him I was pregnant and he dropped to his knees right on the shag rug and asked me to marry him. أخبرته أنّي كنتُ حاملاً فجثى على ركبتيه وطلب أن يتزوّجني
And then today, we were in the park, and he got down on one knee and he looked up at me with his big wet eyes, واليوم، في المنتزة بعد أن جثى على ركبته كان ينظر لي بعينه الكبيرة الدامعة
Frothy blood suggests a tracheal hemorrhage and the victim fell to his knees but the drainage from the interior wounds is pooled, not smeared so he must have rolled to his side and the shooter steps forward for the kill shot. الدم المنتشر يوحي بأن هناك نزيف في القصبة الهوائية والضحية جثى على ركبتيه ولكن شكل الدم من الجراح الداخلية