A personal foul that cost us 15 yards. He let himself down and let his team down. خطأ شخصي كلفنا 15 ياردة لقد خذل نفسه وخذل فريقه أيضاً
If you really want to help her, you convince her to drop out now before she humiliates herself. إذا كنت تريد مساعدتها حقا، فأقنعها أن تنسحب الآن قبل أن تذل نفسها.
She shouldn't have to humiliate herself in front of the nation to prove that she could be a good mother. لا يجب ان تذل نفسها امام الناس لتثبت انها يمكن ان تكون ام جيدة