Janis was in a firefight with a terrorist named Kadir... and four relatives. "جانيس" تبادلت إطلاق النار مع إرهابى يدعى "قادر" وأربعة من أقرباؤه
Well, on the bright side, at least your sibling's not trying to blow you up. حسناَ في الجانب المشرق على الأقل أقرباؤك لا يحاولون تفجيرك
Folks like you are shit! ! أقرباؤك مثلك ، قذارة
All our relatives are scared to come home thinking that I'll get him married to their daughter. كل أقرباؤنا يخافون زيارتنا يظنون أنني سأزوج فتياتهم له
Vero, your parents are here. (فيرو) ، أقرباؤكِ هنا
Her and 20,000 strangers. هي وغرباؤها الـ 20 ألفاَ
Not only you and Mother will be punished, but our kin too, for being related to such reckless men. فلن تُعاقب أنت وأمك ،فقط، بل أقرباؤنا أيضا لعلاقتهم بمثل هؤلاء الرجال القساة
Well, I feel it would be best... if she were cared for by relatives... people that are closest to her during this time. أظن أنه من الأفضل أن يرعاها أقرباؤها الأشخاص القريبين لها في هذا الوقت
After his death, his kinsfolk donated land to Vreta Abbey for his soul, indicating that they were able to keep properties after Canute's victory. بعد موته، تبرعَ أقرباؤه بقطعة أرض لدير فيرتا على روحه، ما يشير إلى أنهم كانوا قادرين على الحفاظ على الممتلكات بعد انتصار كنوت.
Sir William acknowledged paternity of his illegitimate children and provided for their education, but they were reared by his relatives rather than with his wife and legitimate children. اعترف السير ويليام بأبوّته لأبنائه غير الشرعيين ووفر لهم تعليمهم ولكن أقرباؤه تولوا تربيتهم بغض النظر عن زوجته وأبنائه الشرعيين.