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عمل فظ

"عمل فظ" بالانجليزي
  • Pushing people is really rude, mcgee.
    (دفع الناس عمل فظ (ماكغي
  • I no longer think you're doing a terrible job, and I'm very proud of you.
    لم أعد أعتقد أنكِ تقومين بعمل فظيع وأنا فخور بكِ للغاية
  • It's a dreadful business. Dreadful.
    إنه عمل فظيع، فظيع
  • I did a terrible thing.
    لقد قمت بعمل فظيع
  • They did a horrible job.
    لقد قاموا بعمل فظيع.
  • She did a terrible job.
    لقد قامت بعمل فظيع.
  • That was a terrible production. You know, you`re-you`re much scarier in real life... than you are in the movie.
    ــ كان عمل فظيع، رينفيلد كان ثملاً ــ برأيي أنه كان رائعاً
  • Craven has already reaped the rewards of his own misdeeds and Viktor, he deserved his fate many times over
    و (فيكتور) استحق ما حدث له أكثر مما كان يستحق عمل فظيع...
  • I know what you think I did is terrible, but it's nothing compared to what you're doing right now.
    .أعلم بأنك تعتقد بأنني قُمت بعمل فظيع .ولكنه لاشئ, مُقارنتً بما تقومون به الأن
  • Oh, I just always thought, what a horrible job it would be just waiting for someone to buy his cigarettes or something.
    لقد ظننت دوماً أن إنتظار شخص ما ليشتري منك سجائر أو حاجيات أخرى لهو عمل فظيع
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