You're the one that asked to stay here. أنتِ مَن طـلبَ البَقاء هُـنَا
So if he won't come to us, then we'll have to go and take him. إذن إذا لَم يأتـِي إليـنَا حيـنهـَا سنذهـب ونمسـكه
He wouldn't wander all the way out here. لـن يتفاجئ من الطريق هـنَا
Well, happens to the best of us. . حسَـنَاً, الأمـر يَـحدث للأفضَل بيـننـا
you can't go in there... لا يُمكِنُك الذهَاب إلى هُـنَاك )
I think we got cut off. أعتـقد أن مكالمتـنَا إنقطعـَت
What are you in for? لِمَاذَا أنتِ هـنَا ؟
Let's go... - Oooo! هــيا بــنَا - أوو -
She was going to tattle to The Ash about our little baby farm. لَقضد كـانت في طَريقِهَا لإخْبَار الـ ( آش ) عـَن مـزرعَة الأطفال الصغـيرة خـاصتـنَا
Hey, since you're here, could you maybe take a look around and see if there's anything obvious that might be making women not want to spend the night? مَهـلاً، بِمـَا أنكِ هُـنَا هَل يُمكنكِ إلقاء نَظـرة بالجِوار إذا كـان أي شَيئ واضِح يَجعَل النساء لا تُردنَ قضاء الليلَة ؟