He's a white male, early 30s, and a smooth talker, because even after 11 victims, he can still convince educated women who know there's a predator out there to get into his car. انه ذكر ابيض في اوائل الثلاثينات معسول الكلام, لأنه بعد 11 جريمة ما زال يقنع نساء متعلمات بان يلحقوه
He's a white male, early 30s, and a smooth talker, because even after 11 victims, he can still convince educated women who know there's a predator out there to get into his car. انه ذكر ابيض في اوائل الثلاثينات معسول الكلام, لأنه بعد 11 جريمة ما زال يقنع نساء متعلمات بان يلحقوه