When I was a kid, my parents and grandparents used to tell stories, albtraume fur Wesen kinder. عندما كنت طفلاً، كان والديّ وأجدادي... يقصون علينا قصصاً معينة، "Albtraume fur Wesen Kinder"
When I was a kid, my parents and grandparents used to tell stories, albtraume fur Wesen kinder. عندما كنت طفلاً، كان والديّ وأجدادي... يقصون علينا قصصاً معينة، "Albtraume fur Wesen Kinder"
Do you think we're gonna want these old albums over there? Do you think we're gonna want these old albums over there? هل تعتقد أننا كنت gonna تريد هذه الألبومات القديمة هناك؟ ,en
Maya sent the file from our office in Alborz, but the receipt marking its arrival did not come for nearly six hours later. أرسلَ Maya الملف مِنْ مكتبِنا في Alborz، لكن تَأشير الإيصالِ وصوله لَمْ يَجيءْ
The scientific visionary Albert Einstein saw space and time as a flexible material that could be distorted by gravity. العالِم الحالِم Albert Einstein قد رأى أن الفضاء والوقت كماده مرنه التى يُمكِن أن يتم تأثٌرها (إعادة تشكيلها) بواسطة الجاذبيه
Mackleroy is a young, renegade Mountie whose horse was just killed by evil Americans, while LaFleur, his grouchy, old, African-Canadian partner, just bought a cozy ice fishing shack in northern Alberta... (ماكلوري) شاب شرطي كندي متمرد والذي قتل حصانه من امريكان اشرار while LaFleur, his grouchy, old, African-Canadian partner, just bought a cozy ice fishing shack in northern Alberta...