Many of the ships were caught near the center of the storm and buffeted by extreme seas and hurricane-force winds. تم القبض على العديد من السفن بالقرب من مركز العاصفة وتغلب عليها أعاصير البحار ورياح الأعاصير.
During the years of the Civil War, they were buffeted by both sides, as they were located between Union forts in the North, and Confederate forces and allies to the South. فخلال سنوات الحرب الأهلية انخفضت اراضيهم من الجانبين حيث كانت تقع ارضهم بين حصن الاتحاد في الشمال، والقوات الكونفدرالية والحلفاء في الجنوب.