Railways, roads, bridges and enemy troops have been continuously attacked, yesterday... (WOMEN CHATTERING) والجسور. وتعرضت قوات العدو لهجمات مستمرة، بالأمس
Christi has been continuously pregnant for over 12 years. يبدو أن الوقت الوحيد الذي لا يمكن لكريستي أن تحمل فيه..
Area's been controlled by Hezbollah pretty much continuously since the civil war. (حزب الله) تتحكم بهاتهِ المنطقة منذ الحرب الأهلية.
You've continuously disobeyed my orders. Who, me? عصيت أوامري بشكل مستمر من , انا ؟
In this endless blackness you continuously roar في هذا السوادِ اللانهائيِ أنت تَزْأرُ بشكل مستمر
I saw two Centurions, through the field glasses, continuously for five minutes. لقد رأيت مقاتلين عبر المنظار بشكل مستمر لخمس دقائق
Earth's inner heat has been continuously struggling to escape. حرارة الأرض الداخلية... تكافح باستمرار للهرب.
Okay, exhale slowly and continuously on your way up. حسناً، إزفر ببطء وبإستمرار أثناء صعودك.
That Deodhar has been continuously raping the law... because, our own officer Naidu is playing his pimp قل ما تريد للمفوض والوزير
It's continuously draining power from our shield. أجل. يستنزفف القدرة بشكل متواصل من درعنا