One night Siddhartha left her and their son, Rahul while they were sleeping, to seek Enlightenment to become Buddha. واحد Siddhartha ليلي تَركَها وإبنهم، Rahul... ... بينماهم كَانوايَنَامونَ، لإرادة التنويرِ...
How can we ever know if Yashodhara fell victim to anger to loneliness or bitterness after Siddhartha left her. كَيْفَ نَعْرفُ أبداً إذا Yashodhara أسقطْ الضحيّةَ للإغْضاب... ... إلىالوحدةِأَو المرارةِ...
Thus one night, prince Siddhartha decided to leave his beautiful wife, Princess Yashodhara... and his son, Rahul, and go away. هكذا ليل واحد، الأمير Siddhartha قرّرَ... ... لتَرْكزوجتِهالجميلةِ، الأميرة Yashodhara... وإبنه، Rahul، ويُسافرُ.
Thus one night, prince Siddhartha decided to leave his beautiful wife, Princess Yashodhara... and his son, Rahul, and go away. هكذا ليل واحد، الأمير Siddhartha قرّرَ... ... لتَرْكزوجتِهالجميلةِ، الأميرة Yashodhara... وإبنه، Rahul، ويُسافرُ.
Researchers Khan and Dhar investigated the influence of self-licensing on consumer decisions regarding the purchase of luxury goods. الباحثين (أوزما خان) و (رافي دهار) بحثوا في تأثير الترخيص الأخلاقي على قرارات المستهلكين فيما يتعلق بشراء السلع الفاخرة.
Yashodhara has shown compassion for the sick ... and ailing long before Siddhartha ever did long before Siddhartha was even aware of suffering! Yashodhara شوّفَ الشفقة لمرضى ... ومريضقبلفترةطويلة Siddhartha أبداً عَمِلَ... ... قبلفترةطويلةSiddhartha كَانَ حتى مدرك للمعاناة!
Yashodhara has shown compassion for the sick ... and ailing long before Siddhartha ever did long before Siddhartha was even aware of suffering! Yashodhara شوّفَ الشفقة لمرضى ... ومريضقبلفترةطويلة Siddhartha أبداً عَمِلَ... ... قبلفترةطويلةSiddhartha كَانَ حتى مدرك للمعاناة!
Yashodhara has shown compassion for the sick ... and ailing long before Siddhartha ever did long before Siddhartha was even aware of suffering! Yashodhara شوّفَ الشفقة لمرضى ... ومريضقبلفترةطويلة Siddhartha أبداً عَمِلَ... ... قبلفترةطويلةSiddhartha كَانَ حتى مدرك للمعاناة!
If your thoughts toward Dharma were of the same intensity as the love and passion you have shown me you would have become a Buddha in this very body in this very life. lf أفكاركَ نحو Dharma كَانتْ مِنْ نفس الكثافةِ... ... كالحبّوالعاطفة شوّفتَني... ... أنتكُنْتَسَتُصبحُ a بوذا...