You see, I'm much fonder of her than anyone else, and I'd hate to leave her behind. في الحقيقة، أنا مهتمة بها أكثر من أي أحد آخر وأكره أن أتركها
Hitler was at his chalet in the Bavarian Alps, along with his dog "Blondie", of whom he seemed to be fonder than any human being. برفقه كلبه بلوندى الذى بدا انه يحبه اكثر من اى انسان
Wilmer, I'm sorry to lose you, but I want you to know I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. ويلمر, يؤسفنى ان اخسرك, ولكنى اريدك ان تعرف, اننى لم اكن سأحبك اكثر حتى ولو كنت ابنى الحقيقى,