What makes you think I was gonna come in before they incriminated themselves? ماالذى جعلك تَعتقدُ بأنّني كُنْتُ سأَخوض فيه قَبْلَ أَنْ يعترفوا بجرائمهم ؟
You deliberately incriminated him. أنت من ورّطه في الجريمةِ مُتعمّداً
So you incriminated yourself. لذا فإنّك جرّمت نفسك .
Many Ukrainians, some anti-Semitic, also incriminated the Jews and carry out pogroms such as here in Zolochiv, while the Germans look on. مثل هنا فى زولوتشيف وسط متابعه الالمان
that incriminated Dante in the disappearance of at least two of the magician assistants and her ex-boyfriend Clay Bowland. وهذا ما تورط "دانتي" فيه بإختفاء اثنان من مساعديه وصديقها "كلاي"
Were you planning to interrogate him without an attorney present until he incriminated himself in some way that you find beneficial for your investigation? عندما تخطط لأن تستجوبه بدون حضور محامي حتى يجرم نفسه بطريقة ما
Scopes was unsure whether he had ever actually taught evolution, but he purposely incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant. سكوبس لم يكن متأكداً ما إذا كان قد قام بتعليم التطور فعلاً، ولكنه جرَّم نفسه عمداً حتى يكون هناك مدافع عن القضية.