You know he mutters the same indecipherable growl I translate it as best I can he gives me the occasional cracker. ما زال يهمس بنفس العبارات المبهمة أترجم كلامه ... بقدر ما استطيع يمنحنى البسكويت، وأنت؟
The data on each ring is indecipherable on its own but when they are read together, their codes unlock each other. البيانات الموجوده على الخاتم الواحد غير مفيده إلا بوجود الخاتم الثانى لأنهما عندما يتم قرائتهما سويا شفراتهما تقوم بحل بعضهما
Although this may be seen as similar to neuroimaging techniques, molecular measures help to enhance areas of activation that would otherwise be indecipherable to neuroimaging. على الرغم من أن هذا يمكن أن ينظر إليها على غرار تقنيات التصوير العصبي ، الجزيئية تدابير تساعد على تعزيز مجالات التنشيط التي لولاها أن عويص إلى الأعصاب.
We're both stumbling around together in this unformed world whose rules and objectives are largely unknown seemingly indecipherable or possibly nonexistent always on the verge of being killed by forces that we don't understand. نحن كلاهما نتعثّر حول سوية في هذا العالم العديم الشكل... ... التيقواعدوأهداف مجهول بشكل كبير... ... عويصعلىمايبدو أو معدوم من المحتمل...
On his short list was also dog crap, car alarms... indecipherable parking signs, double baby strollers... ass-crack fashion, men's cologne... bubble gum, bicycles, hamsters... garbage trucks, neighbors, metal hangers, TV remotes... greeting cards, flip-flops, fliers for cheap haircuts, fat people... pigeons, The Weather Channel, smell of urine, new mothers... credit card offers, blocked phone numbers... big umbrellas, F train, J.F.K., B.Q. E... #وفي قائمته الصغيرة نباح كلب ومنبه سيارة# وعلامات غير مفهومة لركن السيارات # # وعربتا اطفال وموضة اظهار جزء من المؤخرة # # وكولونيا الرجال
up on the rock, the torture suffered by these five brave men was obvious they were tied up, one man's hands tied to the next man's feet forming a solid human structure blood indicated that it had happened while they were alive and resisting their intestines had been crudely torn out and on each of their faces there was indecipherable writing cut into their flesh with precision the men, shocked by what had happened went to find the sheriff without sketching the writing or touching the bodies they returned to see vultures at the rock. ... فوقعلىالصخرة،التعذيب... ... عانىبهذهالخمسة رجال شجعان كان واضح... ... همربطوا،رجل واحد ربطت الأيدي إلى أقدام الرجل القادم...