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"probably" معنى
  • Probably hear of another dame murdered. - Shut up.
    ـ ربما سمع عن سيدة أخرى ميتة ـ اخرس
  • You're probably not even remotely aware of some of them.
    انني اعرف انواع عدة من الضياع ايها الرقيب
  • A tramp who probably can't keep his job and drinks too much.
    المتشرد الذي لا يمكنه المحافظة علىوظيفتهويشربكثيرا...
  • Still, I will probably go to jail, and jails I've found unpleasant.
    و أنا وجدت السجون غير سارّة
  • He's probably just a little wore out, that's all.
    انه على الأرجح مرهقا هذا كل ما فى الامر
  • Probably the only thing in the world that would hurt him.
    ربما هذا هو الشئ الوحيد الذي سيؤلمه"كريج"
  • You've probably never seen such a house as this is going to be.
    ربما لم ترين بيتاً كهذا
  • That's probably because he's a Buddhist, and he doesn't celebrate Christmas.
    ربما لأنه بوذى .. ولا يحتفل بالكريسماس
  • This is probably gonna hand you a big laugh... but I do.
    ربما سيضحكك هذا, لكن أأبه لرأيكّ
  • people probably don't have much fun around here.
    الناس ربما لا يحظون بالكثير من المرح في هذه المناطق
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