The have-to is what you use when you're afraid. THE يكون لهو ما كنت تستخدم عندما كنت خائفا.
Son, you can't imagine th headaches this would cause. بني، أنت لا تستطيع تخيل الصداعِ الذي سيسببه هذا
Thas at least something I know a little bit about. Tha؟ s على الأقل شيء أَعْرفُ قليلاً حول.
And what would you be willing to trade, Macbeth of Moray? وماذا تَكُونُ راغباً لمُتَاجَرَة، Macbeth مِنْ Moray؟
World War II, that was an important historical event? World War II, that was حدث تاريخي مهم ؟
Man] Forthe fiirst time, wesawthe enemy that waskilling us. [رجل] وقت فورذي fiirst، عدو wesawthe الذي waskilling نا.
And I prayed one oftheJapanese depth charges would finish thejob. وأنا صلّيت واحد oftheJapanese تهم عمق تنهي thejob.
And I prayed one oftheJapanese depth charges would finish thejob. وأنا صلّيت واحد oftheJapanese تهم عمق تنهي thejob.
Iam nowpetitioning to devote fulIBureauresources... to thesearch forAlex Krycek. يام nowpetitioning إلى كرّس fulIBureauresources... إلى thesearch forAlex كريسيك.
The orderlies wereherea few moments ago, andtheytookhim away. أين هو؟ الممرضو wereherea بضعة لحظات مضت , andtheytookhim بعيدا.