I love it, when you talk like that. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" يا لديك طريقة جميلة في الكلام
I love it, when you talk like that. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" يا لديك طريقة جميلة في الكلام
I love it, when you talk like that. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" يا لديك طريقة جميلة في الكلام
I love it, when you talk like that. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" يا لديك طريقة جميلة في الكلام
I'll look forward to your return, big boy. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" سانتظر عودتك اذا سانتظر عودتك اذا
I'll look forward to your return, big boy. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" سانتظر عودتك اذا سانتظر عودتك اذا
I'll look forward to your return, big boy. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" سانتظر عودتك اذا سانتظر عودتك اذا
I'll look forward to your return, big boy. "with the light of our yesterdays" "with the light of our yesterdays" سانتظر عودتك اذا سانتظر عودتك اذا
So, all your fears, all your yesterdays wash away, and only hope remains in the promise of his embrace. لذا كل مخاوفيكما وأيامكما السابقة أنزاحت وبقي الأمل فقط ووعده بالعناق
So as soon as this war is over, I shall return. القلب المتقلب هو فقط موجود في هذا العالم "with the light of our yesterdays" القلب المتقلب هو فقط موجود في هذا العالم