And then I brought him into give him a shower... well, a bath pretty much, but I gave him a bath in a shot glass. ومن ثم أحضرته لأحممه
When I wash them, even though I tell him not to look he still leers at Josette عندما أحممهم، حتى و أنا أقول له لا تنظر... يبقى يحدق في جوزيت...
We're up at six, I feed him, I bath him, and it's poopy time, then it's his poopy time. نستيقظ في السادسة, أطعمه, أحممه ثم وقت دخولي الحمام, ثم وقت دخوله الحمام
So I gotta get Christopher home, feed him, bathe him get him in bed, and be back here by 7? . أحممه، أخلده للنوم، و أعود هنا الساعة السابعة... أجل- علينا دفع الضرائب-
She smells horrible, it's unbelievable, but I don't want to put her in the bath, 'cause I'm afraid she'll drawn. رائحتها فظيعه - ذلك غير معقول ولكنني لا أريد أن أحممها لأنني أخشى أن تغرق
I bathe the sick and when they pay me... they ask to look at me... my legs or breasts... all of me, but I never let them touch. أحمم المرضى وعندما يدفعون لي يطلبون أن يروني أن يروا ساقي أو صدري