He received the title of "Plato's Philosopher King" by the Greek refugees that he allowed into his empire because of his great interest in Platonic philosophy. وقيل انه حصل على لقب الملك افلاطون الفيلسوف من قبل اللاجئين اليونانيين .بسب اهتمامه الكبير بالفلسفه الافلاطونية.
Hey, I think that you are amazing, and I mean that in a completely platonic-- unless you don't want it to be platonic because I could make that happen right now--sort of way. اعتقد انك رائع, انا اعني ذالك افلاطوني بالكامل الى اذا انتِ لاتريدي انت تكوني افلاطوني
Hey, I think that you are amazing, and I mean that in a completely platonic-- unless you don't want it to be platonic because I could make that happen right now--sort of way. اعتقد انك رائع, انا اعني ذالك افلاطوني بالكامل الى اذا انتِ لاتريدي انت تكوني افلاطوني