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"تَوضيح" بالانجليزي
  • Also we need to clear the quote from the intern.
    أيضاً نَحتاجُ للتَوضيح الإقتباس مِنْ الطبيب المقيمِ.
  • He's taking off for a couple of days to clear his head.
    هو يُقلعُ لa زوج أيامِ لتَوضيح رأسهِ.
  • Wow - They took about a whole weekto clear the village.
    أَخذوا a كُلّ إسبوع لتَوضيح القريةِ.
  • We need to clear the supply and lay low for a while.
    نَحتاجُ لتَوضيح التجهيزِ وإختفى لفترة.
  • Maximus gave me a month to clear my stuff out.
    Maximus أعطاَني a شهر لتَوضيح مادتِي خارج.
  • I'm sorry, I need to clarify something I said earlier.
    أَنا آسفُ أَحتاجُ للتَوضيح شيء شيء ما قلتهٌ مسبقاً
  • She won't understand this, and I tried to explain it to her.
    إنها لَنْ تَفْهمَ هذا، وأنا حاولتُ تَوضيحه لها.
  • You see, Miss Sheetal, I want to clear something with you.
    تَرى، الآنسة Sheetal , l حاجة لتَوضيح الشيءِ مَعك.
  • It was what it was trying to explain him.
    هو كَانَ ما هو كَانَ يُحاولُ تَوضيحه.
  • And I think that it is a height of explaining me.
    وأعتقد بأنّه a إرتفاع تَوضيحي.
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