YOU'D LIKE TO SEE YOUR LAWYER PAID FOR ALL THE SUFFERING HE'S PUT YOU THROUGH. YES ? و تَرْغَبُ فِي رُؤْيَة مُحَامِيَكَ الَّذِي دُفَعكَ لِلْوُصُولِ و الْمُعاناةَ هُنَا.صَحِيحٌ ؟
The king told me it was a sign I was pregnant but I said it was nothing of the sort. المَلِك قَال لي بِأنهَا إشَارَه بِكونِي حَامِل، لكِن قُلت لَه إنهَا لاشَيء مِن هَذا القبِيل
I mean, I may be from a family of lemons, but I am no tart. Oh, my God, my mom would totally say that. أَعْنِي، رُبمـَا أكُونُ مِن ع~ائلَة مِنَ الليْمُون، لَكِننِي لَست حَامِضة أُوه، يَا إِلَهي، أَمِي تَقُولُ هـَذَا أيْضاً
My Lord, when I was a lawyer the convention was to ask the prisoner before judgement was given why judgement should not be given against him. عِندمَا كُنت محَامِي كَانَت الإتِفاقِيه أن نَسأل السَجين قَبل صِدور الحُكم لمَاذا لا يَنبغِي لِلحُكم أن يُصدَر ضِده
I was told that at the last council, the king became angry, and demanded to know what would happen if he went ahead anyway and married Anne without the pope's permission. قيَل لي بَأن حين تكَلم أخِر محَامي أصبَح الملِك غاضِباً وطالَب بعرَفه مَا الذِي سيحَدث