Everybody was here witnessing everything. الجميع شهِد على ما حصل
Our eyewitness puts you outside لدينا شاهد عيّان شهِد بمشاهدتك...
Alfred here witnessed some rough-housing between two of the staff and misinterpreted it. ألفريد" هنا قد شهِد بعض السلوك العنيف" بين إثنين من الموظفين وأساء تفسيرهُ
We have witnessed a true miracle. ..لقد شهِدنا معجزة حقيقية
He witnessed the entire event. Fine! لقد شهِدَ الحدثَ كله.
But I´ve witnessed it myself. لكني شهِدتُ ذلك بنفسي
Survived and Testified Against Kajinek نجى وشهِد ضدّ (كاجينك).
Since he testified against you. بعد أن شهِد ضدك
We witnessed a miracle tonight. لقد شهِدنا معجزة الليلة
And his eyes, which had witnessed much injustice... were burned out with heated copper coins. وعيناهُ التي شهِدت ... الكثير مِن الظُّلم أُحرِقت بِإستعمالِ العِملات ... النُّحاسيّة المُلتهِبة